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March 27, 2023
Debonie Thompson

Pet Insurance Meets Need for Agent

So we just got a cat.
I’m not sure exactly how it happened. My failed attempts at deterring ground squirrels from digging tunnels in our yard might have been a factor. We needed a new sheriff in town in our yard.
It’s the first pet our 8-year-old daughter has ever had, and she is thrilled. I must say I’m happy, too.
We adopted “Gracie”, a 2-year-old mixed tabby, from the Barren River Animal Welfare Association (BRAWA) where she had been for a couple of months. She was identified as a “barn cat” due to her temperament – she is not keen on being held or cooped up – but she is affectionate and has warmed up to our family and seems to be a perfect match.
Her independent streak makes Gracie an ideal fit for living outside at our house. One minute, she is lounging on the porch taking a catnap, and the next minute she is galloping off on some wild adventure.
It just so happened that the timing of adopting Gracie came when our agency gained a new pet insurance market through Safeco.
I didn’t know anything about pet insurance, so I read up on the options they offered. My thinking was that I probably should get something in place so that if anything ever happened to Gracie that there might be some coverage to help alleviate a possibly large vet bill.
Safeco offers two customizable plans for Pet Insurance – an Accident & Illness Plan or an Accident, Illness & Wellness option. In both plans, you can pick your annual deductible, reimbursement percentage and annual maximum limit.
The Accident, Illness & Wellness option provides fixed reimbursement amounts for common wellness and preventative care items such as vaccines and flea prevention that are not subject to deductibles or annual maximums.
For Gracie, I ended up going with an Accident, Illness & Wellness plan with a $500 annual deductible, 90 percent reimbursement and $10,000 annual maximum for around $30/month. The Accident & Illness plan quoted around $15/month.
I’m happy that Safeco now offers Pet Insurance, and I’m glad as an agent to be able to offer it and take a policy for our new furry family member and gain that peace of mind.

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