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March 27, 2023
Debonie Thompson

Take precautions during bitter cold

With an Arctic blast approaching south-central Kentucky this Christmas weekend, it’s important to take steps to protect your home against freezing pipes.

Here are some tips that can help:
1) Make sure all outdoor faucets are winterized and covered;
2) Keep a slow stream of water running in your sinks and check the sinks a few minutes later to make sure the streams are still moving and haven’t slowed to a drip;
3) Open the cabinet doors under your sinks to allow warm air in around the pipes. Every house is different, but these are some basic tips for homeowners to try to avoid damage during the bitterest of winter conditions.
On the auto side, winter can result in treacherous driving conditions with ice and snow. Avoid driving if possible, but if you must drive, leave several minutes earlier than normal on your commute to allow extra time to exercise caution and drive slowly and safely.
These are just a few important reminders to keep in mind that can help protect an insured from property damage or injury amid extreme weather.

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